ANABELLE ISLAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENITY POLICIES AND RATES Adopted August 13, 20241 1 LAW IMPLEMENTED: SS. 190.011, 190.035, FLA. STAT. (2024); In accordance with Chapter 190 of the Florida Statutes, and on August 13, 2024, at a duly noticed public meeting and after a duly noticed public hearing, the Board of Supervisors of the Anabelle Island Community Development District adopted the following rules, policies and rates governing the operation of the District’s facilities and services. Table of Contents DEFINITIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 3 AMENITIES ACCESS AND USAGE ........................................................................................................ 4 GENERAL AMENITY POLICIES ............................................................................................................ 6 SMOKING, DRUGS AND ALCOHOL ...................................................................................................... 7 SERVICE ANIMAL POLICY ................................................................................................................... 8 SWIMMING POOL POLICIES ................................................................................................................. 8 MULTI-PURPOSE FIELD POLICIES ..................................................................................................... 10 DOG PARK POLICIES .......................................................................................................................... 11 LAKES AND PONDS POLICIES............................................................................................................ 12 SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF PRIVILEGES........................................................................... 14 USE AT OWN RISK; INDEMNIFICATION ............................................................................................ 17 SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY ..................................................................................................................... 18 SEVERABILITY .................................................................................................................................. 18 AMENDMENTS AND WAIVERS .......................................................................................................... 18 AMENITY RATES ............................................................................................................................... 19 AMENITIES ACCESS REGISTRATION FORM ...................................................................................... 20 ASSIGNMENT OF AMENITY RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES .................................................................... 23 DEFINITIONS “Amenities” or “Amenity Facilities”– means the properties and areas owned by the District and intended for recreational use and shall include, but not specifically be limited to the swimming pool, pool deck, multi-purpose field, and playground, together with their appurtenant facilities and areas. “Amenity Policies” or “Policies” and “Amenity Rates” – means these Amenity Policies and Rates of the Anabelle Island Community Development District, as amended from time to time. The Board of Supervisors reserves the right to amend or modify these Policies, as necessary and convenient, in their sole and absolute discretion, and will notify Patrons of any changes. Patrons may obtain the currently effective Policies from the District Manager’s Office. The Board of Supervisors and District Staff shall have full authority to enforce the Amenity Policies. “Amenity Manager” – means the District Manager or that person or firm so designated by the District’s Board of Supervisors, including their employees. “Amenity Rates” – means those rates and fees established by the Board of Supervisors of the Anabelle Island Community Development District as provided in Exhibit A attached hereto. “Access Card” – means an electronic Access Card issued by the District Manager to each Patron (as defined herein) to access the Amenity Facilities. “Board of Supervisors” or “Board” – means the Board of Supervisors of the Anabelle Island Community Development District. “District” – means the Anabelle Island Community Development District. “District Staff” – means the professional management company with which the District has contracted to provide management services to the District, the Amenity Manager, and District Counsel. “Guest” – means any person or persons, other than a Patron, who are expressly authorized by the District to use the Amenities or invited for a specific visit by a Patron to use the Amenities. “Homeowners Association” or “HOA” or “POA” – means an entity or entities, including its/their employees and agents, which may have jurisdiction over lands located within the District, either now or in the future, which may exist to aid in the enforcement of deed restrictions and covenants applicable to lands within the District. “Household” – means a residential unit or a group of individuals residing within a Patron’s home. This does not include visiting friends, guests, relatives or extended family not permanently residing in the home. Upon the District’s request, proof of residency for individuals over the age of eighteen (18) years may be required by driver’s license or state or federal issued form of identification, including a signed affidavit of residency. “Lakes” – shall mean those water management and control facilities within the District, including but not limited to stormwater management facilities and ponds. “Non-Resident” – means any person who does not own property within the District. “Non-Resident Patron” – means any person or Household not owning property in the District who is paying the Annual User Fee to the District for use of all Amenity Facilities. “Non-Resident User Fee” or “Annual User Fee” – means the fee established by the District for any person that is not a Resident and wishes to become a Non-Resident Patron. The amount of the Annual User Fee is set forth herein, and that amount is subject to change based on Board action. “Patron” – means Residents and Non-Resident Patrons. “Renter” – means a tenant, occupant or an individual maintaining his or her residence in a home located within the District pursuant to a valid rental or lease agreement. Proof of valid rental or lease agreement shall be required. “Resident” – means any person or Household owning property within the District. The words “hereof,” “herein,” “hereto,” “hereby,” “hereinafter” and “hereunder” and variations thereof refer to the entire Amenity Policies and Rates. All words, terms and defined terms herein importing the singular number shall, where the context requires, import the plural number and vice versa. AMENITIES ACCESS AND USAGE (1) General. Only Patrons have the right to use the Amenities; provided, however, that certain community programming events may be available to the general public where permitted by the District, and subject to payment of any applicable fees and satisfaction of any other applicable requirements, including adherence to these Amenity Policies and execution of waivers and hold harmless agreements, if any. (2) Use at your Own Risk. ALL PERSONS USING THE AMENITIES DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK AND AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE AMENITY POLICIES. THE DISTRICT SHALL ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY AND SHALL NOT BE LIABLE IN ANY INCIDENTS, ACCIDENTS, PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH, OR DAMAGE TO OR LOSS OF PROPERTY ARISING FROM THE USE OF THE AMENITIES OR FROM THE ACTS, OMISSIONS OR NEGLIGENCE OF OTHER PERSONS USING THE AMENITIES. THE DISTRICT DOES NOT PROVIDE SECURITY SERVICES OR SUPERVISION WITH RESPECT TO THE USE OF THE AMENITIES, AND THERE ARE INHERENT RISKS IN THE USE OF THE AMENITIES – E.G., USE MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS BODILY INJURY OR EVEN DEATH. PATRONS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS AND THOSE OF THEIR GUESTS. PARENTS AND LEGAL GUARDIANS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR MINOR CHILDREN WHO USE THE AMENITIES AND WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS. (3) Resident Access and Usage. Residents are permitted to access and use the Amenities in accordance with the policies and rules set forth herein and are not responsible for paying the Annual Non-Resident User Fee set forth herein. In order to fund the operation, maintenance and preservation of the facilities, projects and services of the District, the District levies maintenance special assessments payable by property owners within the District, in accordance with the District’s annual budget and assessment resolutions adopted each fiscal year, and may additionally levy debt service assessments payable by property owners to repay debt used to finance public improvements. Residents shall not be entitled to a refund of any maintenance special assessments or debt service special assessments due to closure of the Amenities or suspension of that Resident’s access privileges. Residents must complete the “Amenity Access Registration Form” prior to access or use of the Amenities, attached hereto as Exhibit B, and each Household shall receive an Access Card. (4) Non-Resident Patron Access and Usage. A Non-Resident Patron must pay the Annual Non-Resident User Fee to have the right to use the Amenities for one full year, which year begins from the date of receipt of payment by the District. This fee must be paid in full before the Non-Resident may use the Amenities. Each subsequent Annual Non-Resident User Fee shall be paid in full on the anniversary date of application. Annual Non-Resident User Fees may be renewed no more than thirty (30) days in advance of the date of expiration and for no more than one calendar year. Multi-year memberships are not available. The Annual Non-Resident User Fee is nonrefundable and nontransferable. Non-Resident Patrons must complete the Amenity Facilities Access Registration Form prior to access or use of the Amenities. (5) Guest Access and Usage. Each Patron Household is entitled to bring four (4) persons as Guests to the Amenities at one time. District Staff shall be authorized to verify and enforce the authorized number of Guests. A Patron must always accompany its Guests during its Guests’ use of the Amenities and are responsible for all actions, omissions and negligence of such Guests, including Guests’ adherence to the Amenity Policies. Violation of these Amenity Policies by a Guest may result in suspension or termination of the Patron’s access and usage privileges. Exceeding the authorized number of Guests specified above shall be grounds for suspension or termination of a Patron Household’s access and usage privileges. (6) Renter’s Privileges. Residents who rent or lease residential units in the District shall have the right to designate the Renter of a residential unit as the beneficial users of the Resident’s privileges to use the Amenities, subject to requirements stated herein. Resident shall provide a written notice to the District Manager on the “Assignment of Amenity Rights and Privileges” form attached hereto as Exhibit C, designating and identifying the Renter who shall hold the beneficial usage rights, submitting with such notice the Renter’s proof of residency (i.e., a copy of the lease agreement). Upon notice, Resident shall be required to pay any applicable fee before his or her Renter receives an Access Card. Renter’s Access Card shall expire at the end of the lease term and may be reactivated upon provision of proof of residency. Renter who is designated by a Resident as the beneficial user of the Resident’s rights to use the Amenities shall be entitled to the same rights and privileges to use the Amenities as the Resident, subject to all Amenity Policies. During the period when a Renter is designated as the beneficial user, the Resident shall not be entitled to use the Amenities. In other words, Renter’s and Resident’s cannot simultaneously hold Amenity privileges associated with that residential unit. Residents may retain their Amenities rights in lieu of granting them to their Renters. Residents shall be responsible for all charges incurred by their Renters which remain unpaid after the customary billing and collection procedures established by the District. Residents are responsible for the deportment of their respective Renter, including the Renter’s adherence to the Amenity Policies. (7) Access Cards. Access Cards will be issued to each Household after closing upon property within the District, or upon approval of Non-Resident Patron application and payment of applicable Annual User Fee, or upon verification and approval of Renter designation. Proof of property ownership may be required annually. All Patrons must use their Access Card for entrance to the Amenities. A maximum of two (2) Access Cards will be issued per Household. All Patrons must use the Access Card issued to their Household for entrance to the Amenity Facilities. Each Household will be authorized two (2) initial Access Cards free of charge. Replacement Access Cards may be purchased in accordance with the Amenity Rates then in effect. Patrons must scan their Access Cards in the card reader to gain access to the Amenities. This Access Card system provides a security and safety measure for Patrons and protects the Amenities from non-Patron entry. Under no circumstances shall a Patron provide their Access Card to another person, whether Patron or non-Patron, to allow access to the Amenities, and under no circumstances shall a Patron intentionally leave doors, gates, or other entrance barriers open to allow entry by non-Patrons. Access Cards are the property of the District and are non-transferable except in accordance with the District’s Amenity Policies. All lost or stolen cards must be reported immediately to District Staff. Fees shall apply to replace any lost or stolen cards. Patrons are responsible for notifying the District immediately if a fob is lost or stolen. The lost or stolen card shall be immediately deactivated. Patrons are also responsible for notifying the District when they sell their home. Each Patron shall be responsible for the actions of those individuals using the Patron’s Access Card unless said Access Card is reported as being lost or stolen. GENERAL AMENITY POLICIES (1) Hours of Operation. All hours of operation of the Amenities will be established and published by the District on its website and/or posted at the applicable Amenity facility. The District may restrict access or close some or all of the Amenities due to inclement weather, for purposes of providing a community activity, for making improvements, for conducting maintenance, or for other purposes as circumstances may arise. Any programs or activities of the District may have priority over other users of the Amenities. Unless otherwise posted on the website or at the applicable Amenity facility, all outdoor Amenities are open only from dawn until dusk. The specific, current hours of operation for several of the Amenities, which may be amended from time to time and which may be subject to closure for holidays and other special circumstances, are as published on the District’s website and/or as posted at the applicable Amenity facility. No Patron is allowed in the service areas of the Amenities. (2) General Usage Guidelines. The following guidelines supplement specific provisions of the Amenity Policies and are generally applicable and shall govern the access and use of the Amenities: (a) Registration and Access Cards. Each Patron must scan in an Access Card in order to access the Amenities and must have his or her assigned Access Card in their possession and available for inspection upon District Staff’s request. Access Cards are only to be used by the Patron to whom they are issued. In the case of Guests, Guests must be accompanied by a Patron possessing a valid Access Card at all times. (b) Attire. With the exception of the pool and wet areas where bathing suits are permitted, Patrons and Guests must be properly attired with shirts and shoes to use the Amenities for each facility’s intended use. Bathing suits and wet feet are not allowed indoors with the exception of the bathrooms appurtenant to the pool area. (c) Food and Drink. Food and drink will be limited to designated areas only. No glass containers of any type are permitted at any of the Amenities. All persons using any of the Amenities must keep the area clean by properly disposing of trash or debris. (d) Parking and Vehicles. Vehicles must be parked in designated areas. Vehicles should not be parked on grass lawns, pond banks, roadsides, or in any way which blocks the normal flow of traffic. During special events, alternative parking arrangements may be authorized but only as directed by District Staff. Off-road bikes/vehicles (including ATVs) and motorized scooters are prohibited on all property owned, maintained and operated by the District or at any of the Amenities within District unless they are owned by the District. (e) Fireworks / Flames. Fireworks or open flames of any kind are not permitted anywhere on District owned property or adjacent areas. (f) Skateboards, Etc. Bicycles, skateboards or rollerblades are not permitted on Amenity property which includes, but is not limited to, the amenity parking lot, pool area, playground, and sidewalks surrounding these areas. (g) Grills. Personal barbeque grills are not permitted at the Amenities or on any other District owned property. (h) Firearms. The possession and use of firearms shall be in strict accordance with Florida Law. (i) Equipment. All District equipment, furniture and other tangible property must be returned in good condition after use. Patrons and Guests are encouraged to notify District Staff if such items need repair, maintenance or cleaning. (j) Littering. Patrons and Guests are responsible for cleaning up after themselves and helping to keep the Amenities clean at all times. (k) Bounce Houses and Other Structures. Bounce houses and similar apparatus are permitted only outdoors and at the discretion of, and in areas designated by, the District. Proof of liability insurance acceptable to the District shall also be required. (l) Excessive Noise. Excessive noise that will disturb other Patrons and Guests is not permitted, including but not limited to use of cellular phones and speakers of any kind that amplify sound. (m) Lost or Stolen Property. The District is not responsible for lost or stolen items. The Amenity Manager is not permitted to hold valuables or bags for Patrons or Guests. All found items should be turned in to the Amenity Manager for storage in the lost and found. Items will be stored in the lost and found for two weeks after which District Staff shall dispose of such items in such manner as determined in its sole discretion; provided, however, that District Staff shall not be permitted to keep such items personally or to give such items to a Patron not otherwise claiming ownership. (n) Trespassing / Loitering. There is no trespassing or loitering allowed at the Amenities. Any individual violating this policy may be reported to the local authorities. (o) Compliance with Laws and District Rules and Policies. All Patrons and Guests shall abide by and comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations, ordinances and policies, as well as all District rules and policies, while present at or utilizing the Amenities, and shall ensure that any minor for whom they are responsible also complies with the same. Failure to abide by any of the foregoing may be a basis for suspension of the Patron’s privileges to use or access the Amenities. (p) Courtesy. Patrons and all users shall treat all staff members and other Patrons and Guests with courtesy and respect. Disrespectful or abusive treatment of District Staff or District contractors may result in suspension or termination of Amenity access and usage privileges. If District Staff requests that a Patron leave the Amenity Facilities due to failure to comply with these rules and policies, or due to a threat to the health, safety, or welfare, failure to comply may result in immediate suspension or termination of Amenity access and usage privileges. (q) Profanity / Obscenity. Loud, profane, abusive, or obscene language or behavior is prohibited. (r) Emergencies. In the event of an injury or other emergency, please contact 911 and alert District Staff immediately. (s) False Alarms. Any Patron improperly attempting to enter the Amenity Facilities outside of regular operating hours or without the use of a valid Access Card and who thereby causes a security alert will be responsible for the full amount of any fee charged to the District in connection with such security alert and related response efforts. (t) Outside Vendors / Commercial Activity. Outside vendors and commercial activity are prohibited on District property unless they are invited by the District as part of a District event or program or as authorized by the District in connection with a rental of the Amenity Facilities. (u) Organized Activities. Any organized activities taking place at the Amenity Center must first be approved by the District. This includes, but is not limited to, fitness instruction, special events, etc. SMOKING, DRUGS AND ALCOHOL Smoking, including using any paraphernalia designed to consume tobacco or other substances such as vaping and electric and non-electronic devices, is prohibited anywhere inside the Amenity Facilities, including any building, or enclosed or fenced area to the maximum extent of the prohibitions set forth in the Florida Clean Indoor Air Act or other subsequent legislation. Additionally, to the extent not prohibited by law, smoking is discouraged in all other (a) If the Service Animal is out of control and the handler does not take effective measures to control it; (b) If the Service Animal is not housebroken; or, (c) If the Service Animal’s behavior poses a direct threat to the health and safety of others. areas of the Amenities and on District owned property. All waste must be disposed of in the appropriate receptacles. Any violation of this policy shall be reported to District Staff. Possession, use and/or consumption of illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages is prohibited at the Amenities and on all other District owned property absent express permission by the District subject to the provisions herein. Any person that appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be asked to leave the Amenities. Violation of this policy may result in suspension or termination of Amenity access and usage privileges and illegal drug use may be punished to the maximum extent allowed by law. SERVICE ANIMAL POLICY Dogs or other pets (with the exception of “Service Animals” as defined by Florida law, trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual or other mental disability) are not permitted within any District-owned public accommodations including, but not limited to, Amenity buildings, pools, multi-purpose fields, playground area, lakes and ponds; with the exception of the Dog Park. A Service Animal must be kept under the control of its handler by leash or harness, unless doing so interferes with the Service Animal’s work or tasks or the individual’s disability prevents doing so. The District may remove the Service Animal only under the following conditions: The District is prohibited from asking about the nature or extent of an individual’s disability to determine whether an animal is a Service Animal or pet. However, the District may ask whether an animal is a Service Animal required because of a disability and what work or tasks the animal has been trained to perform. SWIMMING POOL POLICIES (1) Operating Hours. Swimming is permitted only during designated hours, as posted at the pool. If not posted, swimming is only permitted 30 minutes after dawn through 30 minutes before dusk as required by the Florida Department of Health. (2) Swim at Your Own Risk. No lifeguards will be on duty. All persons using the pool do so at their own risk and must abide by all swimming pool rules and policies. (3) Supervision of Minors. Non-swimming children should have adult supervision with them and within arm’s reach. Persons unable to swim safely and/or without assistance must be accompanied by a capable adult at all times in and around the pool. All children, regardless of age, using inflatable armbands (i.e., water wings) or any approved Coast Guard flotation device MUST be supervised one-on-one by an adult who is in the water and within arm’s length of the child. Even proficient swimmers could find themselves at risk, the District recommends Patrons not swim alone. All persons entering the facilities do so a their own risk, regardless of age or ability. (4) Aquatic Toys and Recreational Equipment. No flotation devices are allowed in the pool except for water wings and swim rings used by small children, under the direct supervision of an adult as specified in Section (3) immediately above. Inflatable rafts, balls, pool floats and other toys and equipment are prohibited. (5) Prevention of Disease. All swimmers must shower before initially entering the pool. Persons with open cuts, wounds, sores or blisters, nasal or ear discharge, or who are experiencing diarrhea may not use the pool. No person should use the pool with or suspected of having a communicable disease which could be transmitted through the use of the pool. (6) Attire. Appropriate swimming attire (swimsuits) must be worn at all times. (7) Conduct. No cursing, offensive language or gestures, threatening language or behavior, or lewd behavior is allowed. Conduct that prevents the District from fostering a familial environment at the pool amenity facilities is prohibited. (8) Horseplay. No jumping, pushing, running, wrestling, excessive splashing, sitting or standing on shoulders, spitting water, or other horseplay is allowed in the pool or on the pool deck area. (9) Diving. Diving is strictly prohibited at the pool. Back dives, back flips, back jumps, cannonball splashing or other dangerous actions are prohibited. (10) Music / Audio. Radios and other audio devices are prohibited; other than when used with headphones. (11) Weather. The pool and pool area will be closed during electrical storms or when rain makes it difficult to see any part of the pool or pool bottom clearly. The pool will be closed at the first sound of thunder or sighting of lightning and will remain closed for thirty (30) minutes after the last sighting. Everyone must leave the pool deck immediately upon hearing thunder or sighting lightning. (12) Pool Furniture; Reservation of Tables or Chairs. Tables and chairs may not be removed from the pool deck. Tables or chairs on the deck area may not be reserved by placing towels or personal belongings on them except temporarily to allow the Patron using them to enter the pool or use the restroom facilities. (13) Entrances. Pool entrances must be kept clear at all times. (14) Pollution. No one shall pollute the pool. Anyone who does pollute the pool is liable for any costs incurred in treating and reopening the pool. (15) Swim Diapers. Children under the age of three (3) years, and anyone who is not reliably toilet trained, must wear rubber lined swim diapers, as well as a swimsuit over the swim diaper, to reduce the health risks associated with human waste contaminating the swimming pool and deck area. If contamination occurs, the pool will be shocked and closed for a period of at least twelve (12) hours. Persons not abiding by this policy shall be responsible for any costs incurred in treating and reopening the pool. (16) Staff Only. Only authorized staff members and contractors are allowed in the service and chemical storage areas. Only authorized staff members and contractors may operate pool equipment or use pool chemicals. (17) Pool Closure. In addition to Clay County and the State of Florida health code standards for pools and pool facilities, and as noted above, the pool may be closed for the following reasons: a. During severe weather conditions (heavy rain, lightning and thunder) and warnings, especially when visibility to the pool bottom is compromised (deck also closed). b. For thirty (30) minutes following the last occurrence of thunder or lightning (deck also closed). c. Operational and mechanical treatments or difficulties affecting pool water quality. d. For a reasonable period following any mishap that resulted in contamination of pool water. e. Any other reason deemed to be in the best interests of the District as determined by District staff. (18) Containers. No glass, breakable items, or alcoholic beverages are permitted in the pool area. No food or chewing gum is allowed in the pool. (19) No Private Rentals. The pool area is not available for rental for private events. All pool rules and limitations on authorized numbers of Guests remain in full affect at all times. (20) Programming. District Staff reserves the right to authorize all programs and activities, including with regard to the number of guest participants, equipment, supplies, usage, etc., conducted at the pool, including swim lessons, aquatic/recreational programs and pool parties. Any organized activities taking place at the Amenity Center must first be approved by the District. MULTI-PURPOSE FIELD POLICIES Please note that the Multi-Purpose Field is an unattended facility and persons using the Multi-Purpose Field do so at their own risk. (1) Hours. The Multi-Purpose Field shall be available for use from sunrise until sunset. No access will be allowed, by a Patron or any other person, before or after Multi-Purpose Field hours. Trespassing may be prosecuted as a criminal offense and may lead to the loss of the Key Card and/or the revocation of access to the Amenity Center for the entire household. (2) Emergencies. For all emergencies, call 911 immediately. All emergencies and injuries must also be reported to the District Manager at (904) 940-5850. (3) Reservations. This facility is on a first come, first serve basis, unless reserved in accordance with the Facility Rental Policies described herein. Use of a field is limited to one (1) hour when others are waiting. (4) General Policies. (a) The Multi-Purpose Field is not to be used for events other than athletic events, Board approved reservations, or District sponsored events. (b) Pets (other than service animals), bicycles, skates, skateboard, scooters, rollerblades and motorized vehicles of any kind are not permitted in the Multi-Purpose Field at any time. (c) Alcoholic beverages, glass containers and other breakable items are prohibited. (d) The use of profanity or disruptive behavior is prohibited. (e) Patrons must bring their own sports equipment (e.g., soccer balls, softball bats, etc.). (f) Persons using the Multi-Purpose Field must clean up all food, beverages and miscellaneous trash brought to the Multi-Purpose Field. (g) Use of the Multi-Purpose Field may be limited from time to time due to a District-sponsored event. PLAYGROUND POLICIES (1) Use at Own Risk. Patrons may use the playgrounds and parks at their own risk and must comply with all posted signage. (2) Hours of Operation. Unless otherwise posted, all playground and park hours are from dawn to dusk. (3) Supervision of Children. Children under five (5) years of age must always remain within the line of sight of the supervising adult. All children are expected to play cooperatively with other children. (4) Shoes. Proper closed-toe footwear is required and no loose clothing, especially with strings, should be worn. No bathing suits are permitted. (5) Mulch. The mulch material is necessary for reducing fall impact and for good drainage. It is not to be picked up, thrown, or kicked for any reason. (6) Food & Drink. No food, drinks or gum are permitted on the playground, other than such water in non- breakable containers as may be necessary for reasonable hydration, but are permitted at the parks. Patrons and Guests are responsible for clean-up of any food or drinks brought by them to the parks. (7) Glass. No glass containers or objects are permitted. Patrons should notify District Staff if broken glass is observed at the playground or parks. (8) First-Come, First Served. The playground is available on a first-come, first-served basis. (9) Prohibited Equipment. Bicycles, scooters, skateboards, rollerblades, or other similar equipment are not permitted on the playground. DOG PARK POLICIES (1) Use. Patrons shall use the Dog Park at their own risk and must comply with all posted signage. Patrons are responsible for the behavior of their dogs at all times. If any dog shows aggressive behavior, the owner must immediately remove the dog from the Dog Park. The District is not responsible for injuries to visiting dogs, their owners, or others using the Dog Park. The Dog Park is exclusively for the use and enjoyment of Patrons' dogs and should not be used for other activities. (2) Hours of Operation. The Dog Park may be used from sunrise until sunset. (3) Supervision. Patrons must be capable of exerting physical control over their dog or dogs. Dogs must be off leash when inside the park. Dogs should be under voice control and continuously supervised with a leash readily available if necessary. Dogs must be leashed while entering or exiting the Dog Park. No more than three (3) dogs are permitted per handler. (4) Reservations not Permitted. The Dog Park is available to all Patrons on a first-come, first-served basis and cannot be reserved for exclusive use. Play shall be limited to one (1) hour if the Dog Park is at full occupancy and other Patrons are waiting for entry. (5) Attire. Proper footwear and clothing should be worn while inside Dog Park. (6) Food and Toys Prohibited. Any type of food, including dog food and treats, is prohibited at the Dog Park. Dog toys and bones are not permitted inside the Dog Park. (7) Vaccinations. Dogs must wear county-issued tags for vaccinations, including, but not limited to, rabies vaccination as required by law in Florida. (8) Prohibited. Dogs in heat, dogs with aggressive behavior, and dogs under four (4) months of age are not permitted in the Dog Park. (9) Clean Up. Patrons are responsible for removing or cleaning up any trash and must immediately dispose of dog waste and fill any holes dug by their dog(s). LAKES AND PONDS POLICIES Lakes and ponds (used interchangeably and reference to one shall implicate the other) within the District primarily function as retention ponds to facilitate the District’s system for treatment of stormwater runoff and overflow. As a result, contaminants may be present in the water. These policies are intended to limit contact with such contaminants and ensure continued operations of the Lakes while allowing limited recreational use. (1) Users of District Lakes shall not engage in any conduct or omission that violates any ordinance, resolution, law, permit requirement or regulations of any governmental entity relating to the District Lakes. (2) Wading and swimming in District Lakes are prohibited. (3) Patrons may fish from District Lakes. However, the District has a “catch and release” policy for all fish caught in these waters. (4) Pets are not allowed in the District Lakes. (5) Owners of property lying to the District Lakes shall take such actions as may be necessary to remove underbrush, weeds or unsightly growth from the Owner’s property that detract from the overall beauty and safety of the property. (6) No docks or other structures, whether permanent or temporary, shall be constructed and placed in or around the District Lakes or other District stormwater management facilities unless properly permitted and approved by the District and other applicable governmental agencies. (7) No pipes, pumps or other devices used for irrigation, or the withdrawal of water shall be placed in or around the District Lakes, except by the District. (8) No foreign materials may be disposed of in the District Lakes, including, but not limited to tree branches, paint, cement, oils, soap suds, building materials, chemicals, fertilizers, or any other material that is not naturally occurring or which may be detrimental to the Lake environment. (9) Easements through resident backyards along the community's stormwater management system are for maintenance purposes only and are not general grants for access for fishing or any other recreational purpose. Access to residents' backyards via these maintenance easements is prohibited. Unless individual property owners explicitly grant permission for others to access their backyards, entering their private property can be considered trespassing. Please be considerate of the privacy rights of other residents. (10) Beware of wildlife, water moccasins and other snakes, alligators, snapping turtles, birds and other wildlife which may pose a threat to your safety are commonly found in stormwater management facilities in Florida. Wildlife may neither be removed from nor released into the District Lakes; notwithstanding the foregoing, nuisance alligators posing a threat to the health, safety and welfare may be removed by a properly permitted and licensed nuisance alligator trapper, in accordance with all applicable state and local laws, rules, ordinances and policies including but not limited to rules promulgated by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (“FWC”). Anyone concerned about an alligator is encouraged to call FWC’s toll-free Nuisance Alligator Hotline at 866-FWC-GATOR (866-392-4286). (11) Any hazardous conditions concerning the District Lakes must immediately be reported to the District Manager and the proper authorities. 1. Introduction. This rule addresses disciplinary and enforcement matters relating to the use of the amenities and other properties owned and managed by the District (“Amenity Center” or “Amenity Facilities”). 2. General Rule. All persons using the Amenity Facilities and entering District properties are responsible for compliance with the rules and policies established for the safe operations of the District’s Amenity Facilities. 3. Patron Card. Patron Cards are the property of the District. The District may request surrender of, or may deactivate, a person’s Patron Card for violation of the District’s rules and policies established for the safe operations of the District’s Amenity Facilities. 4. Suspension and Termination of Rights. The District, through its Board of Supervisors (“Board”) and District Manager shall have the right to restrict or suspend, and after a hearing as set forth herein, terminate the Amenity Facilities access of any Patron and members of their household or Guests to use all or a portion of the Amenity Facilities for any of the following acts (each, a “Violation”): a. Submitting false information on any application for use of the Amenity Facilities, including but not limited to facility rental applications; b. Failing to abide by the terms of rental applications; c. Permitting the unauthorized use of a Patron Card or otherwise facilitating or allowing unauthorized use of the Amenity Facilities; d. Exhibiting inappropriate behavior or repeatedly wearing inappropriate attire; e. Failing to pay amounts owed to the District in a proper and timely manner (with the exception of special assessments); f. Failing to abide by any District rules or policies (e.g., Amenity Policies); g. Treating the District’s staff, contractors, representatives, residents, Patrons or Guests, in a harassing or abusive manner; h. Damaging, destroying, rendering inoperable or interfering with the operation of District property, or other property located on District property; i. Failing to reimburse the District for property damaged by such person, or a minor for whom the person has charge, or a guest; SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF PRIVILEGES SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF ACCESS RULE Law Implemented: ss. 120.69, 190.011, 190.012, Fla. Stat. (2024) Effective Date: August 13, 2024 In accordance with Chapters 190 and 120 of the Florida Statutes, and on August 13, 2024 at a duly noticed public meeting, the Board of Supervisors (“Board”) of the Anabelle Island Community Development District (“District”) adopted the following rules / policies to govern disciplinary and enforcement matters. All prior rules / policies of the District governing this subject matter are hereby rescinded for any violations occurring after the date stated above. j. Engaging in conduct that is likely to endanger the health, safety, or welfare of the District, its staff, amenities management, contractors, representatives, residents, Patrons or Guests; k. Committing or being alleged, in good faith, to have committed a crime on District property that leads the District to reasonably believe the health, safety or welfare of the District, its staff, contractors, representatives, residents, Patrons or Guests is likely endangered; l. Engaging in another Violation after a verbal warning has been given by staff (which verbal warning is not required); or m. Such person’s Guest or a member of their household committing any of the above Violations. 5. Suspension Procedures. a. Immediate Suspension. The District Manager or his or her designee has the ability to immediately remove any person from one or all Amenities or issue a suspension for up to sixty (60) days for the Violations described above, or when such action is necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of other Patrons and their guests, or to protect the District’s facilities from damage. If, based on the nature of the offense, staff recommends a suspension longer than sixty (60) days, such suspension shall be considered at the next Board meeting. Crimes committed or allegedly committed on District property shall automatically result in an immediate suspension until the next Board meeting. b. Notice of Suspension. The District Manager or his or her designee shall mail a letter to the person suspended referencing the conduct at issue, the sections of the District’s rules and policies violated, the time, date, and location of the next regular Board meeting where the person’s suspension will be presented to the Board, and a statement that the person has a right to appear before the Board and offer testimony and evidence why the suspension should be lifted. If the person is a minor, the letter shall be sent to the adults at the address within the community where the minor resides. Permanent termination of access to the District’s Amenity Facilities shall only be considered and implemented by the Board in situations that pose a long term or continuing threat to the health, safety and/or welfare of the District, its staff, contractors, representatives, residents, Patrons or Guests. The Board, in its sole discretion and upon motion of any Board member, may vote to rescind a termination of access to the Amenity Facilities. 6. Administrative Reimbursement. The Board may in its discretion require payment of an administrative reimbursement of up to Five Hundred Dollars ($500) in order to offset the actual legal and/or administrative expenses incurred by the District as a result of a Violation (“Administrative Reimbursement”). Such Administrative Reimbursement shall be in addition to any suspension or termination of Amenity access, any applicable legal action warranted by the circumstances, and/or any Property Damage Reimbursement (defined below). 7. Property Damage Reimbursement. If damage to District property occurred in connection with a Violation, the person or persons who caused the damage, or the person whose guest caused the damage, or the person who has charge of a minor that caused the damage, shall reimburse the District for the costs of cleaning, repairing, and/or replacing the property (“Property Damage Reimbursement”). Such Property Damage Reimbursement shall be in addition to any suspension or termination of Amenity access, any applicable legal action warranted by the circumstances, and/or any Administrative Reimbursement. 8. Initial Hearing by the Board; Administrative Reimbursement; Property Damage Reimbursement. a. If a person’s Amenity Facilities privileges are suspended, as referenced in Section 5, such person shall be entitled to a hearing at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting that is at least eight (8) days after the initial suspension, as evidenced by the date of notice sent by certified electronic or other mail service or as soon thereafter as a Board meeting is held if the meeting referenced in the letter is canceled, during which both District staff and the person subject to the suspension shall be given the opportunity to appear, present testimony and evidence, cross examine witnesses present, and make arguments. The Board may also ask questions of District staff, the person subject to the suspension, and witnesses present. All persons are entitled to be represented by a licensed Florida attorney at such hearing if they so choose. Any written materials should be submitted at least seven (7) days before the hearing for consideration by the Board. If the date of the suspension is less than eight (8) days before a Board meeting, the hearing may be scheduled for the following Board meeting at the discretion of the person subject to the suspension. b. The person subject to the suspension may request an extension of the hearing date to a future Board meeting, which shall be granted upon a showing of good cause, but such extension shall not stay the suspension. c. After the presentations by District staff and the person subject to the suspension, the Board shall consider the facts and circumstances and determine whether to lift or extend the suspension or impose a termination. In determining the length of any suspension, or a termination, the Board shall consider the nature of the conduct, the circumstances of the conduct, the number of rules or policies violated, the person’s escalation or de-escalation of the situation, and any prior Violations and/or suspensions. d. The Board shall also determine whether an Administrative Reimbursement is warranted and, if so, set the amount of such Administrative Reimbursement. e. The Board shall also determine whether a Property Damage Reimbursement is warranted and, if so, set the amount of such Property Damage Reimbursement. If the cost to clean, repair and/or replace the property is not yet available, the Property Damage Reimbursement shall be fixed at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting after the cost to clean, repair, and/or replace the property is known. f. After the conclusion of the hearing, the District Manager shall mail a letter to the person suspended identifying the Board’s determination at such hearing. 9. Suspension by the Board. The Board on its own initiative acting at a noticed public meeting may elect to consider a suspension of a person’s access for committing any of the Violations outlined in Section 4. In such circumstances, a letter shall be sent to the person suspended which contains all the information required by Section 5, and the hearing shall be conducted in accordance with Section 8. 10. Automatic Extension of Suspension for Non-Payment. Unless there is an affirmative vote of the Board otherwise, no suspension or termination will be lifted or expire until all Administrative Reimbursements and Property Damage Reimbursements have been paid to the District. If an Administrative Reimbursement or Property Damage Reimbursement is not paid by its due date, the District reserves the right to request surrender of, or deactivate, all access cards or key fobs associated with an address within the District until such time as the outstanding amounts are paid. 11. Appeal of Board Suspension. After the hearing held by the Board required by Section 8, a person subject to a suspension or termination may appeal the suspension or termination, or the assessment or amount of an Administrative Reimbursement or Property Damage Reimbursement, to the Board by filing a written request for an appeal (“Appeal Request”), as referenced in Section 8(e). The filing of an Appeal Request shall not result in the stay of the suspension or termination. The Appeal Request shall be filed within thirty (30) calendar days after mailing the notice of the Board’s determination as required by Section 8(f), above. For purposes of this Rule, wherever applicable, filing will be perfected and deemed to have occurred upon receipt by the District. Failure to file an Appeal Request shall constitute a waiver of all rights to protest the District’s suspension or termination and shall constitute a failure to exhaust administrative remedies. The District shall consider the appeal at a Board meeting and shall provide reasonable notice to the person of the Board meeting where the appeal will be considered. At the appeal stage, no new evidence shall be offered or considered. Instead, the appeal is an opportunity for the person subject to the suspension or termination to argue, based on the evidence elicited at the hearing, why the suspension or termination should be reduced or vacated. The Board may take any action deemed by it in its sole discretion to be appropriate under the circumstances, including affirming, overturning, or otherwise modifying the suspension or termination. The Board’s decision on appeal shall be final. 12. Legal Action; Criminal Prosecution; Trespass. If any person is found to have committed a Violation, such person may additionally be subject to arrest for trespassing or other applicable legal action, civil or criminal in nature. If a person subject to suspension or termination is found at the Amenity Facilities, such person will be subject to arrest for trespassing. If a trespass warrant is issued to a person by a law enforcement agency, the District has no obligation to seek a withdrawal or termination of the trespass warrant even though the issuance of the trespass warrant may effectively prevent a person from using the District’s Amenity Facilities after expiration of a suspension imposed by the District. 13. Severability. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this rule shall be held to be invalid or ineffective for any reason, the remainder of this rule shall continue in full force and effect, it being expressly hereby found and declared that the remainder of this rule would have been adopted despite the invalidity or ineffectiveness of such section, paragraph, clause or provision. USE AT OWN RISK; INDEMNIFICATION Any Patron, Guest, or other person who participates in the Activities (as defined below), shall do so at his or her own risk, and said Patron, Guest or other person and any of his or her Guests and any members of his or her Household shall indemnify, defend, release, hold harmless and forever discharge the District and its present, former and future supervisors, staff, officers, employees, representatives, agents and contractors of each (together, “Indemnitees”), for any and all liability, claims, lawsuits, actions, suits or demands, whether known or unknown, in law or equity, by any individual of any age, or any corporation or other entity, for any and all loss, injury, damage, theft, real or personal property damage, expenses (including attorneys’ fees, costs and other expenses for investigation and defense and in connection with, among other proceedings, alternative dispute resolution, trial court and appellate proceedings), and harm of any kind or nature arising out of or in connection with his or her participation in the Activities, regardless of determination of who may be wholly or partially at fault. Should any Patron, Guest, or other person bring suit against the Indemnitees in connection with the Activities or relating in any way to the Amenities, and fail to obtain judgment therein against the Indemnitees, said Patron, Guest, or other person shall be liable to the District for all attorneys’ fees, costs and other expenses for investigation and defense and in connection with, among other proceedings, alternative dispute resolution, trial court, and appellate proceedings. The waiver of liability contained herein does not apply to any act of intentional, willful or wanton misconduct by the Indemnitees. For purposes of this section, the term “Activities” means the use of or acceptance of the use of the Amenities, or engagement in any contest, game, function, exercise, competition, sport, event or other activity operated, organized, arranged or sponsored by the District, its contractors or third parties authorized by the District. SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY Nothing herein shall constitute or be construed as a waiver of the District’s sovereign immunity or limited waiver of liability contained in Section 768.28, F.S., or other statutes or law. SEVERABILITY The invalidity or unenforceability of any one or more provisions of these policies shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions, or any part of the policies not held to be invalid or unenforceable. AMENDMENTS AND WAIVERS The Board in its sole discretion may amend these Amenity Policies from time to time. The Board by vote at a public meeting or the District Manager may elect in its/their sole discretion at any time to grant waivers to any of the provisions of these Amenity Policies, provided however that the Board is informed within a reasonable time of any such waivers. The above Amenity Rules and Rates were adopted on August 13, 2024 by the Board of Supervisors for the Anabelle Island Community Development District, at a duly noticed public hearing and meeting. Exhibit A: Amenity Rates Exhibit B: Amenity Access Registration Form Exhibit C: Assignment of Amenity Rights and Privileges EXHIBIT A AMENITY RATES TYPE RATE Non-Resident User Fee $2,000.00 - $4,000.00 ($4,000 effective as of August 13, 2024) Replacement Access Card $25.00 Returned Check/Insufficient Funds Fee $50.00 Administrative Fee Up to $500.00 EXHIBIT B AMENITIES ACCESS REGISTRATION FORM ANABELLE ISLAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENITIES ACCESS REGISTRATION FORM NAME: ADDRESS: HOME TELEPHONE: CELL PHONE: EMAIL ADDRESS: ADDITIONAL RESIDENT 1: DOB IF UNDER 18 ADDITIONAL RESIDENT 2: DOB IF UNDER 18 ADDITIONAL RESIDENT 3: DOB IF UNDER 18 ADDITIONAL RESIDENT 4: DOB IF UNDER 18 ADDITIONAL RESIDENT 5: DOB IF UNDER 18 ACCEPTANCE: I acknowledge receipt of the Access Card(s) for the above-listed residents and that the above information is true and correct. I understand that I have willingly provided all the information requested above and that it may be used by the Anabelle Island Community Development District (“District”) for various purposes. I also understand that by providing this information that it may be accessed under public records laws. I also understand that I am financially responsible for any damage caused by me, my family members or my guests and the damages resulting from the loss or theft of my or my family members’ Access Card(s). It is understood that Access Cards are the property of the District and are non-transferable except in accordance with the District’s rules, policies and/or regulations, and any necessary replacement will be at an applicable Replacement Access Card fee. In consideration for the admittance of the above listed persons and their guests into the facilities owned and operated by the District, I agree to hold harmless and release the District, its supervisors, agents, officers, professional staff and employees from any and all liability for any injuries that might occur, whether such occurrence happens wholly or in part by me or my family members’ or guests’ fault, in conjunction with the use of any of the District’s Amenity Facilities (as defined in the District’s Amenity Policies and Rates), as well while on the District’s property. Nothing herein shall be considered as a waiver of the District’s sovereign immunity or limits of liability beyond any statutory limited waiver of immunity or limits of liability which may have been adopted by the Florida Legislature in Section 768.28 Florida Statutes or other statute. _________________________________________________ ____________________ Signature of Patron (Parent or Legal Guardian if Minor) Date AFFIDAVIT OF RESIDENCY: (REQUIRED IF LEGAL FORM OF PROOF OF RESIDENCY NOT PROVIDED) I hereby state that the address listed above is the bona fide residence for all residents listed in this Amenities Access Registration Form and that such address is located within the Anabelle Island Community Development District. I acknowledge that a false statement in this affidavit may subject me to penalties for making a false statement pursuant to Section 837.06, Florida Statutes. I declare that I have read the foregoing and the facts alleged are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. ___________________________________________ Signature of Patron State of Florida County of __________________ The foregoing was acknowledged before me by means of . physical presence or . online notarization this ____ day of _________, 20__, by ____________________ who is [ ] personally known to me or [ ] produced _______________________ as identification. (NOTARY SEAL) __________________________________________ Official Notary Public Signature RECEIPT OF DISTRICT’S AMENITY POLICIES AND RATES: I acknowledge that I have been provided a copy of and understand the terms in the Amenity Policies and Rates of the Anabelle Island Community Development District. _________________________________________ ____________________ Signature of Patron Date (Parent or Legal Guardian if minor) GUEST POLICY: Please refer to the Amenity Policies and Rates for the most current policies regarding Guests. PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: Anabelle Island Community Development District c/o GOVERNMENTAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES, L.L.C. 475 West Town Place, Suite 114 St. Augustine, FL 32092 Office: (904) 940-5850 x412 Email: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OFFICE USE ONLY: ____________ ___________________ _________________________ Date Received Date Entered in System Staff Member Signature PRIMARY RESIDENT: Access Card # ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Phase ___ – _____ Phase ____ – ____ Phase ____ – _____ New Construction: _____ Re-Sale: ______ Prior Owner: _______________________ Rental: _____ Landlord/Owner: ______________________________________ Lease Term: ________________ Tenant/Renter: _______________________________________ EXHIBIT C ASSIGNMENT OF AMENITY RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES ANABELLE ISLAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ASSIGNMENT OF AMENITY RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES Instructions: This form must be completed in its entirety and returned to the Front Desk in order for amenity access privileges to be granted to any tenant. The form must be completed and signed by all owners and co-owners of the subject property and witnessed. Signatures of agents or property managers acting on behalf of the owner will not be accepted unless accompanied by a properly executed Power of Attorney document granting specific authority to sign the Owners’ names for this purpose. Upon acceptance of this properly completed document, any amenity access cards previously issued to the owner and their family members will be deactivated and listed tenants become eligible to apply for amenity access cards for the designated lease period. A fee of $25.00 per amenity access card issued is payable by cash or check at the time a card is issued. Agreement made this date ________________________ between the owners of the property located at: (date of this agreement) _________________________________________, Green Cove Springs, FL (property address) 1. Owners of the Property, by their signatures below, attest the existence of a lawful tenancy with effective dates beginning (date)_____________________ terminating (date) ___________________. If length of tenancy is month to month or of an indefinite duration, this Assignment will only be effective for a three (3) month period and after that must be renewed. 2. Owners wish to transfer the rights and privileges to the use and enjoyment of the amenities within the District to Tenants. 3. Upon this transfer, Owners acknowledge their amenity access cards will be deactivated as of the date of such transfer. 4. Upon this transfer, Tenants acknowledge they must obtain their amenity access cards from the District and that Tenants have received or have reviewed a copy of the Anabelle Island Community Development District Amenity Policies and Rates, to which they agree to follow. 5. Owners acknowledge that nothing in this assignment has any effect on their responsibilities as the Owners of the Property to timely pay all Anabelle Island Community Development District fees and special assessments. 6. Tenants acknowledge at the end of their tenancy, their amenity access cards will be deactivated as of the date their tenancy ends. In the case of a month to month tenancy or a tenancy of indefinite duration acknowledge that their amenity access cards will be deactivated after three (3) months, but may be renewed by a further assignment by the Owners. 7. Owners and Tenants acknowledge that this document is subject to public review under Chapter, 119, Florida’s Public Records Laws. ALL OWNERS MUST SIGN BELOW ___________________________ ___________________________ Owner Signature (required) Witness Signature (required) ___________________________ ___________________________ Owner Printed Name (required) Witness Printed Name (required) ___________________________ ___________________________ Co-Owner (if any) Signature (required) Witness Signature (required) ___________________________ ___________________________ Co-Owner (if any) Printed Name (required) Witness Printed Name (required) (Additional Owners continue on separate page)